What we do
Rev. Moses Ssemanda Mbuga is the current president of Gospel Messengers Ministries, which has 312 branches in Uganda, 7 in the Republic of Congo and 4 in Rwanda. He is the Founder and President of Imani Milele Children both in Uganda and USA, which supports 4,026 Orphans and Vulnerable Children. He is a ministry partner with ServeNow. He is the Proprietor of St. Mbuga Group of Schools and oversees 8 school centers in Lusaka – Kampala, Lugazi – Mityana, Troas – Buikwe, Lagutu – Gulu, Kassanda, Kitongo, Kamusenene and Rwenjiri in Kassanda district. He is also the founder and chairman of Makindye BUMU pastors and churches fellowship, a fraternity of Born Again churches in Makindye West that covers over 60 churches under the umbrella of National Fellowship of Born Again Churches (NFBAC). He is also the Board Chairman of Good Samaritan Ministries, Uganda.

Our Story
The Late Rev. Ezekiel Mbuga founded the church in 1978 during the reign of President Idi Amin Dada, who is known to have persecuted Christians and abolished many churches. Many believers resorted to underground churches (home fellowships), while others like Rev. Ezekiel decided to proclaim the gospel openly and boldly - which got him in trouble with the law.
In 1978, about 700 believers gathered at Makerere Full Gospel Church in Kampala for overnight prayers. President Idi Amin sent trucks of armed forces, who surrounded the church auditorium and started firing at them. Some escaped, severely wounded, while others denied their Christian faith. The believers that stood firm for Christ's sake were imprisoned in Luzira Prison - one hundred one men and fifty women. The guards placed them in what many referred to as the Condemn Section (section for those sentenced for death).
Our vision is to “Pursue peace with all people, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14.
Our mission is to “Reach out to the un-reached, especially in the rural areas of Uganda and Africa where people live in extreme poverty, illiteracy and disease. Matthew 28:19