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Josephine Kagulire

Peter Gisagara's Testimony

Gisagara Peter from Rwanda graduated with a Bachelors of Arts in Bible and Theology obtained from Global University Springfield Missouri, Jinja branch. Graduation ceremony was in October. Around that time, Uganda-Rwanda boarders were closed. He was facilitated by the Imani Milele Children organisation to travel by air to come and attend his memorable graduation. It was dreams come true first, attaining a degree but also using a plane for the first time. Here is what he had to say;

“My name is Peter Gisagara. I bless the Lord for Imani Milele Children for having been such a stepping stone for my goals. I grew up in a Christian family. My dad and mom are both pastors of Gospel Messengers Church, Rwanda. While I was growing up, life at home wasn't so good as my parents were struggling to meet our basic needs including education. I and my siblings would often report late to school because we didn’t get the required basic scholastic materials. On several occasions, we would be sent back home due to lack of school fees. My parents had taught us to trust God for everything. In fact, if one of us missed any church service, he/she would not be given food claiming that they had not prioritized God who provided. Due to all the challenges I faced and the way my parents trained me, I was forced to seek God. I promised God to pour out my life to serving Him if I complete high school. I didn't know how this would happen.

By God’s grace, I was able to complete high school. I requested my dad to take me to a Bible school. He could not afford but promised that he will enroll me in a simple school of ministry so that atleast I get a certificate in ministry. In August 2013, our church in Rwanda organized a conference were Rev Moses aka Kabona was invited as a guest speaker. During his ministry, I ministered along with him through reading scripture because the person who usually did so was not around. While reading, Kabona would not see an ordinary person, but a minister in me. I interacted with him after the conference and having known my dream, he promised to support my education. Since there were no good Bible colleges in Rwanda, he enrolled me in some of the best Bible Colleges in East Africa, Glad Tidings Bible College and Global University Springfield Missouri, Jinja branch were attained a Diploma in Theology and a Bachelor of arts degree in Bible and Theology respectively.

Today, my life has completely been transformed. With the knowledge I got from the College, I'm using it to help the body of Christ and the church in Rwanda. I have helped other 300 hundred pastors and ministers from different rural communities in Rwanda through the mobile Bible College that I started knowing that not everyone will get an opportunity of going to a well established Bible College. I translated the study materials I used at the Bible College in the local language that can be accessed by so many people. These materials are given out freely. Freely we have been given freely we should give.

God bless Kabona (Rev. Moses Ssemanda Mbuga). God bless Imani Milele Children. God bless Gospel Messengers Ministries for changing my life and I believe the best is yet to come.

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